I am sitting in the common room at Marydale with some other
MVCs as we are packing up for our flights tomorrow. It is strange that I am
actually less than 12 hours away from getting on plane that will take me to my
new home for the next year. A week of orientation, a slew of connections, many,
many new friendships created; it’s been a busy week for me.
I’m feeling a little bit disoriented, which is ironic since
I’ve just finished orientation, but I think it is because my mind is so jumbled
with what I have learned and experienced so far, and with the impending
journey. It’s only 2,500 miles, but it also feels like a lifetime away. I don’t
know these people, I don’t know their culture. I don’t what they will think of
me, and I also don’t know what I will think of them. I think that scares me
We are leaving at 4:45 tomorrow morning, and Jake and
Allison, who are working at -------- Indian School with me, are flying out
to Albuquerque, where we will meet up with the other community members who are
working at --------- Association for Special Education. I am excited to
finally get to Arizona, after months of preparation and planning. Every day I grow
more confident about going out there, even though I am not entirely sure what I
will be doing once I arrive. I think it is awesome that I can use a degree, one
that I worked so hard for, to do something meaningful while I have the chance.
I know I want to live a life dedicated to service, and part of the reason that
I am choosing Mercy Volunteer Corps is because I can travel, serve and
essentially, live doing something that I love.
I don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow, or next week,
or in a few months. But, with an open heart and an open mind, and the ever
growing knowledge of Catherine McAuley and her Sisters of Mercy, I am excited
to take those next steps forward that will propel me in the direction of the
life God has chosen for me to live.
I'm so excited for you! You'll be in my prayers during these weeks of transition.